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Heritage Bred, Sun-Raised Chickens


Clean Energy  /  Ethical Farming  /  Healthy Choice

Nick Bain with a white collared shirt and a leafy green background.

Nick Bain

Nick is a co-founder of Sun Farms. He says:


“We started this project about 3 years ago. We wanted to introduce to Australian solar farms the benefits of co-locating agriculture and solar farms. We partnered with Amp Energy to do this in 2022.


With so many solar farms being built in Australia, we wanted to do much more than graze old Merino wethers – we want to maintain a year-round green environment under the solar farm and manage the pastures in a way that generates premium products. 


Our Sommerlad chickens are our first product. It’s a team effort to achieve the best chicken in Australia, and soon we will be bringing the best prime lamb. 


With your support, we look forward to significantly increasing the value of this land in a sustainable and regenerative way.”


David Veal at Sun Farms wearing a fluorescent orange coloured safety vest. He is holding a Sun Farms chicken.

David Veal

David is a co-founder of Sun Farms. He says:


“I never thought I would be a farmer, let alone a chicken farmer. But as we looked at the value that can be generated from the land under Australia’s solar farms, we realised this is an exciting opportunity that an agricultural nation like Australia cannot afford to waste.


We then set about finding partners that can bring the highest quality products to Sun Farms.


We settled upon the Sommerlad chicken. This bird is bred to forage and the result is a bird that "tastes like chicken used to taste" - a premium chicken now distributed through a range of restaurants and butchers in Sydney. Later this year we expect to expand our distribution to Melbourne and Brisbane.


We are also currently working to partner with some of Australia’s best lamb producers to bring to market prime Sun Farm lambs.”

Sungrock Kim at Sun Farms wearing an akubra and fluorescent orange coloured safety vest. He is leaning on a shovel.

Sungrock Kim

Sungrock comes to Sun Farms from South Korea. He came to Hillston for a vastly new experience and has settled into the community with enthusiasm and a happy, can-do manner. He says:


“I have such a great chance to breed and raise chickens on a solar farm. We love taking care and responsibility for our little Sommerlads. We hope you enjoy these very special birds.

Many thanks!”

Jin Shin at Sun Farms wearing a cap and glasses.

Jin Shin

Jin is curious and adventurous. He says:


“Coming to Australia is a natural thing do. It’s such a large continent when compared to South Korea. Australia has nature that is well preserved, and resources that are plentiful.


Working on the Hillston Sun Farm is very exciting. Breeding and growing chickens on the solar farm is a first for us and it's an amazing idea. We use the idle space under the large-area solar panels. 


We help with making green energy and our chickens fertilize the soil through manure. Fertile soil allows pasture to grow, which keeps chickens and sheep healthy.


I think the best thing about our Sommerlad chickens is that they have good lives. They forage freely with their friends on the green grass and are very active and not stressed. I am comforted when looking at them and feel proud of being a person who provides a such good environment.”

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